Monday, March 8, 2021

Sweet Memories: All-of-a-Kind Family by Sydney Taylor

This charming book is the first in the beloved series by Sydney Taylor, originally published in 1951, recounting the daily life and adventures of a family of five girls and their parents living on the Lower East Side of New York City in 1912. The series is particularly of note because it portrays a Jewish-American family, something of a rarity in children's books, and even more so at the time the books were published.

We meet the five sisters: Ella, Henny (Henrietta), Sarah (modeled on Sydney Taylor herself), Charlotte and Gertie (Gertrude) and accompany them to the public library where they develop a special relationship with the librarian, shopping in the street markets and more. A serious illness temporarily challenges the family.

Taylor explains the holidays and religious practices of the family in a very accessible and appealing way so that we can share with them. Readers experience the festivities of Purim and Succoth, and the celebration of the Fourth of July. We identify with the sisters as they experience the life around them and grow up in a loving family that is working hard to succeed in America.

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