Saturday, February 23, 2019

Go Stewart! A Time of Love and Tartan by Alexander McCall Smith (44 Scotland Street, #12)

How does he do it? How does an author of so many books, in multiple series, continue to produce works of such quality? How does he manage to combine such a mix of superb character studies, timely attention to topics of current interest, imagery, gentle humor, wit and so much more in these volumes?

A Time of Love and Tartan was one of his best, I think. The doubts and concerns of the main characters were dealt with and resolved, and that negativity put right where it belongs... with those that bring it. The positive developments were celebrated and form a basis for future episodes of the inhabitants of 44 Scotland Street, and their friends and associates.

As always, the wonderful voice characterizations of Robert Ian MacKenzie bring added delight to listeners. His supercilious tones for Irene, deep Scottish burr for Angus, and the tones of seven-year-old Bertie are impeccable. Perfection to the ears!

If you are an optimist, this book will reaffirm it. If you are a pessimist, on the other hand, it may cure you.

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