Monday, September 25, 2023

An Inspiring Life – Iris Apfel: Accidental Icon, by Iris Apfel

This is a revised review, based on a re-read for my latest Substack article, about the inspiration I have found in the life of Iris Apfel:

If you are a fan of style icon and centenarian Iris Apfel, you'll love this book! If you haven't heard of her, then it's the perfect introduction to this extraordinary woman. 

Iris Apfel became something of a celebrity once her personal collection of clothing and accessories was exhibited in 2005 at the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Since then, she has been the subject of a documentary film, "Iris", and has sold her "Rara Avis" line on HSN. This engaging book combines her personal recollections and photos along with terrific illustrations and graphics. 

Iris shares some fascinating anecdotes about her professional life (she and her husband ran a successful textile design business), her travels, her style and her viewpoints on a number of topics. It's a fun and appealing read. You may not like or agree with everything she says, but she is her own woman with her own perspective, and since she has passed her 102nd birthday, I believe that more than ever, she retains the right to speak her mind. Viva Iris!

Since this book first came out, Iris was also featured "If You're Not in the Obit, Eat Breakfast", a documentary narrated by the late Carl Reiner, who made to 98 himself. She has also been the subject of a picture book, Iris Apfel (Little People, BIG DREAMS, Volume 64), and a Little Golden Book Biography, simply titled Iris Apfel. There are even highly collectible Barbie dolls that celebrates her one-of-a-kind style...hard to find, but out there for dedicated collectors and lovers of the current film. Meanwhile, read and enjoy this book celebrating the indomitable Iris Apfel.

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