Tuesday, June 27, 2023

And Women Too – The Real Mad Men of Advertising, a Smithsonian Film

I recently watched "The Real Mad Men of Advertising", a Smithsonian Channel documentary, produced after the conclusion of the "Mad Men" television series, which ran for seven seasons, from 2007-2015, and depicted the advertising profession in New York in the 1960s, and gave excellent insights into the trends of popular culture and the politics of the time.

The documentary is in four parts, each covering a decade, from the 1950s through the 1980s. A number of former advertising stars, including copywriter Jane Maas (1932-2018), various university professors and museum curators, and others speak about the history, trends, and famous ads of the various decades. Another leading contributor is Matthew Weiner, originator of the "Mad Men" series. Narration is by John Slattery, one of the stars of the "Mad Men" series.

The complete program runs just over 160 minutes, so it can be watched at one sitting...in fact, I would recommend it for maximum enjoyment and immersion. 

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