Sunday, February 19, 2023

Stanley Tucci, You Could Fix This! Dinner in Rome: A History of the World in One Meal

This might be a poor translation of this non-fiction book, or perhaps it's just the author's writing style. I skipped around, got bored, but liked the final chapter – a discussion of the lemon, the tart citrus that brings flavor to so many foods, and perfumes the air with its scent of sunshine.

It is a clever concept – to lay out the history of Rome, the "Eternal City" through the foods eaten in one sitting. I love Italy and Italian food, have traveled there several times, the first a week spent mainly in the capital, and am a generally a fan of the genres of food writing as well as travel writing. Perhaps a more skillful or entertaining author/presenter could have done more with this idea – my choice would be Stanley Tucci, who has presented such a wonderful CNN series on Italian locations and their food, and written several several delightful cookbooks and a memoir. If only Stanley could step in here and add the humor and charm this book so badly needs, and turn it into something far more palatable.

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