Sunday, June 16, 2019

Time Stretching Machine - a few thoughts on travel

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to set up your own time stretching machine that allowed you to create an alternative universe in which you could read as many books and see as many movies as you like?

One of my favorite travel ideas was to book a cabin on a long-haul freighter, bring along a telescope and a trunk full of books, and cruise around the world for a few months, stopping in at the ports of call if they interested me. This was before the advent of the dangers of the pirate attacks on cargo ships, and before the Kindle and IPad existed, which would have made that travel a whole lot lighter and easier. Unfortunately, it became more a fantasy than an idea as life interfered with unexpected demands, and the Great Recession changed everything.

At this point, I'm not sure freighters accept passengers anymore, but if I had the money for such a voyage, I'd still like to consider it, along with an extensive road trip in the US with no end date, and no specific destination, but lots of books on the Kindle for relaxing stops in interesting places along with visits with friends, and to see landmarks and museums.

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