Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Just Politics, Right? Young Jane Young by Gabrielle Zevin

Loved this book. Entertaining on the surface, but quite a whole lot more beneath. An examination of the workings of our society, and how it treats women, and of the media and its way of twisting the truth. Social media and politics are also examined, and their foibles, and power, revealed.

The backstory: college student Aviva Grossman finds her way into love and politics by becoming an intern to a Florida congressman and then falling into an affair with him. It is, obviously, a disaster for her reputation and future, as her name is dragged through the mud on that then new medium, the Internet.

Already vulnerable and self-doubting, Aviva is stuck. While the congressman manages to emerge from the scandal, she is criticized high and low. She can't get a job, can't get into grad school... what to do?

When you read this book, you'll find out. 

Aviva's story is woven into the lives of several other women – her mother, her daughter and the congressman's wife – and also told from their points of view, as women of different generations and experiences in a changing, but not always forgiving, America. 


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